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How To Make Meat Sambusa Ssomsa, Samosa, (Sambusa Recipe)

How to make meat  Somoza, samosa, sambusa : step -by- step

     Flour ¼
     4(four) Potatoes
     One (1) onion
     Water 2 litter
     One (1) Ginger
     Meat ¼ Kg
     Cooking oil ½ litters
     Two (2) teaspoons of Salt

After you have all requirements we proceed with the following steps,

·         Grind your meet within 5 min.

·         Add two teaspoons of salt  and after that boil for 15 min

·         Pill the potatoes and cut them into two halves then boil those pieces for 10 min or 15       minutes.

·         Grand the potatoes and then take the pepper cut into small pieces then mix with the meet.

·         There after you take the mixture of meat and pepper and mix with grinned potatoes.
               sambusa has sweet taste, it can be used as a bite, also sambusa can be eaten any time and   ever where by any one.

·         Take onion, ginger grind them and mix with the mixture of potatoes and meet.

·         Take into shape which favorable for you.

·         Take a bowl add flour add water into it.

·         Apply mixture 

·         Put it to fried oil.
 sambusa has sweet taste, it can be used as a bite, also sambusa can be eaten any time and   ever where by any one.

              sambusa has sweet taste, it can be used as a bite, also sambusa can be eaten any time and   ever where by any one.

     sambusa has sweet taste, it can be used as a bite, also sambusa can be eaten any time and   ever where by any one.

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